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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Dear God (if a God there be),

Tomorrow many Americans, including me, will partake of an abundant Thanksgiving Day meal. Very likely many of them will be offering prayers of thanks to you. I, however, will not. Sorry.

It's not that I won't enjoy the meal and it's not that I'm unhappy with the circumstances in life that allow me the resources to partake in it. Quite the contrary.

Instead, it's the fact that I know that Thanksgiving is more than a day on which I receive unusually hearty portions. It is also a day like any other; it is a day on which 15,000 or more children starve to death.

Forgive me for thinking this, but this suggests to me that you're not quite the great guy many people think you are. Maybe you simply don't care about the death of these children, or maybe you're unable to prevent it, or maybe you simply didn't know about it until I told you. I'm not sure which.

What I am sure about is this. If the price of admission to a universe in which I have food in abundance on Thanksgiving Day is the death of starvation of 15,000 kids, I would gladly return the ticket.

And if that's rebellion, so be it. Amen.


Anonymous Liberation said...

Very interesting info, I am waiting for more. Keep updating your site and you will have a lot of readers!

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:05 PM  

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